What does it mean that LeBron signed in Miami?
- Cavs owner Dan Gilbert acted like a spurned
teenage girl with an open letter to the Cavs fans that rips LeBron for being cowardly, narcissitic, etc. While it is understandable that he feels that way, it was not the best approach to lure other high profile players to come play for him in Cleveland. It would have been much better for him to simply state that he was disappointed in his decision, and believes it didn’t show loyalty, but that the Cavs are moving forward in trying to win a title. It is another example of a time when you’re wrong, even when you’re right.
- LeBron proved once and for all that he does not have that killer
instinct that Jordan, Bird, and Bryant. He wants to be a second fiddle. This is the end of the “King James” nickname. From this point forward, he should be “Prince James” because he doesn’t want the crown. He is a freak of an athlete, but he doesn’t have that extra gear and that ability to completely take over a game. James doesn’t have that. He never did. And he never will. He has decided to be the glorified Scottie Pippen to Wade’s Jordan. Time to trade in that Batman jersey, LeBron and make sure they make a Robin costume in XL.
- The Milwaukee Bucks benefit from the LeBron decision. The Bucks finished second in the Central division last season behind Cleveland. With the additions of Corey Maggette and Drew Gooden to go with resigning John Salmons, the Bucks look to have improved considerably during the off-season. The
Bucks look to be in position to battle the improved Bulls (adding Boozer, a defensive coach and maturing Derrick Rose & Joakim Noah) for the Central Division title. The Bucks appear to be as deep as any team in the east, with talent on the bench to compliment the starters. Unfortunately they do not have the superstar to get the calls in crunch time, and that is what it takes to win in the playoffs in the NBA. The Bucks look poised to be a 50 win team that cannot get past the second round of the playoffs. Which is better than they have been in a while.
- Does the ESPN hype-machine have any boundaries? I mean, they were willing to drop any programming they had scheduled to do a 1 hour hype show to allow LeBron to rip out the hearts of the Cavalier fans in an extremely public forum. They then sat there and spent the first 20 minutes of the show bouncing around the same rumors and theories that have been out there for the past 2 months. It was a slurp-fest about how great LeBron is….even though he folded in every big game and never won a title. It was a new low for the World-Wide Leader in Sports.
- Since it is Degenerate Friday, my bet is that Miami will not win the NBA title next year. The Heat have 4 guys under contract currently, with 3 second round picks to add to the mix. They then have to add 5 players at the league minimum just to fill out the roster. They think that guys will be willing to take the league minimum “for a chance to win.” We’ll see how it plays out, but I don’t see crucial role players – guys like a Derek Fisher, Robert Horry or Bruce Bowen taking minimum contracts.
- Cavs owner Dan Gilbert acted like a spurned

- LeBron proved once and for all that he does not have that killer

- The Milwaukee Bucks benefit from the LeBron decision. The Bucks finished second in the Central division last season behind Cleveland. With the additions of Corey Maggette and Drew Gooden to go with resigning John Salmons, the Bucks look to have improved considerably during the off-season. The

- Does the ESPN hype-machine have any boundaries? I mean, they were willing to drop any programming they had scheduled to do a 1 hour hype show to allow LeBron to rip out the hearts of the Cavalier fans in an extremely public forum. They then sat there and spent the first 20 minutes of the show bouncing around the same rumors and theories that have been out there for the past 2 months. It was a slurp-fest about how great LeBron is….even though he folded in every big game and never won a title. It was a new low for the World-Wide Leader in Sports.
- Since it is Degenerate Friday, my bet is that Miami will not win the NBA title next year. The Heat have 4 guys under contract currently, with 3 second round picks to add to the mix. They then have to add 5 players at the league minimum just to fill out the roster. They think that guys will be willing to take the league minimum “for a chance to win.” We’ll see how it plays out, but I don’t see crucial role players – guys like a Derek Fisher, Robert Horry or Bruce Bowen taking minimum contracts.
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